Women’s Leadership Today is excited to partner with ACH to bring you a signature customized event that will help you to better navigate the challenges professionals face in today’s work environment.
Welcome to your ACH portal here you will find resources including handouts, registration link and event recording. Be sure to visit often for updates!
Managing Conflict Through Negotiation
August Signature Event
Recording Link
Thank you for your interest and participation in the webinar event “Managing Conflict Through Negotiation.” Below are your recording link along with the handout for this event. You may listen to the webinar recording whenever you would like and can view it more than once. You can also download the presentation to review or print it out anytime.
Click Here for Recording Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/8530408549241957643
Handouts & E-Guides Click Below
Any questions please contact mbaldino@successfuel.com enjoy upcoming workshop!