Emotional Intelligence


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Get the Women’s Leadership Today Guide

Emotional Intelligence: The Most In-Demand Leadership Skill

This essential guide will provide you with detailed strategies and tactics to identify and improve your emotional intelligence (EI) to make you a better leader. The guide covers strategies such as being able to assess your own emotional intelligence, assess it in others and use it to make better decisions. In this guide, you will discover these essential concepts:

The 5 traits of emotional intelligence

and how to recognize them in yourself & others.

How to use emotional intelligence in the workplace

to improve results & drive your career.

Actions to take right now

to improve your emotional intelligence.

Building an emotionally intelligent team

with the 5 keys to success every leader should use.

Core competencies for building better relationships

using emotional intelligence.

How to become a better leader & advance your career

with proven EI tactics & actions.

This Leadership Guide comes with:

23-pages full of practical, real-world tips, strategies & solutions

4 real-world exercises and 5 sidebars to put concepts into practice!

Immediate access via PDF download

Here are some of the great tools you’ll discover in this Leadership Guide:

What is Emotional Intelligence?

This critical section identifies what constitutes emotional intelligence, key differences between EI and IQ, and how to recognize EI in yourself and others.

Emotional Intelligence at Work

Once you’ve gained a firm grasp on EI and how to recognize it, you can use this leadership skill to set yourself apart and drive better results. This section goes into the practical, workplace application of the EI skillset.

Improving Your Emotional Intelligence

Discover the five actions you can take right now to improve your EI and become a better leader. This section not only provides you with the five actions to take, but also goes into how and why the will improve EI.

The Emotionally Intelligence Team

In this final section of the leadership guide, you will discover effective, proven strategies to recognize and improve EI in your team members. This is the final step in using EI to become a better leader.

With the leadership guide by your side, you will have a go-to to resource for improving emotional intelligence in yourself and others so that you can become a better leader

By empowering you to focus on the truly important aspects of your job, you can make better decisions and take on more leadership responsibility.

Unlock the power of EI – discover how to improve your leadership skills and drive better team results.

Get the Women’s Leadership Today Guide:

Emotional Intelligence: The Most In-Demand Leadership Skill

Here’s What You Get:

  • 23-pages of practical, real-world tips, strategies & solutions
  • 4 real-world exercises and 5 sidebars to put concepts into practice!
  • Immediate access via PDF download
Please don’t hesitate to email us if you have any questions:info@progressivewomenleaders.com