Top 4 bad habits great leaders don’t want to slip into

Ask yourself this: As a manager, when’s the last time you got feedback from your employees?
Even if you’re diligent about asking employees for feedback, you can’t be sure your employees will be candid with you.
That means there are a few bad habits managers could easily slip into – without even realizing it. Check out this list of the top four worst habits managers fall victim to:
- Constantly interrupting
Take a look at the other managers in your office and you’ll see one big quality in common – everyone’s likely a quick thinker. This desirable quality helps managers come up with fast answers to problems, making them a strong manager.
But this fast-twitch reflex can mean one thing – the person is more likely to interrupt someone else. Not only can this annoy the employee, but it gives off the vibe that he/she doesn’t have enough information to make a good decision.
If you hear phrases like “Just to finish that thought, here’s what I was saying … ” or “Hold on one second so I can close this loop… ” take a minute to slow down and really listen to what the person is saying.
- Forgetting what you said
Let’s face it – it’s impossible to remember everything. And the longer you do something, the more automatic it becomes. When you’re juggling countless projects, tasks and employees, there’s a chance you won’t remember every single detail of what you’ve told your team members.
Luckily, your team can help you out here. Ask them to put things in writing and verbally follow-up a few days later. It’s up to them to reinforce the ideas, plans, commitments, etc. that are important to them.
- Doing a complete 180
You know the expression “He/she is so hot and cold”? Many people in charge fall victim to this management style. One minute, the manager is complimenting an employee when he/she is doing something great. But when things head south, the manager is quiet and disconnected.
The employee is going to get discouraged – after all, what’s the point of trying to satisfy a manager who’s only a cheerleader when things are going great? As a team leader, it’s critical to keep your team moving forward and motivated during the good times and the bad. Try to be a positive voice even when things look dark.
- Letting emotions take over
Being tough on an employee on a bad day, getting short with someone who’s testing your patience – there are many different ways emotions can take control of a situation.
Sure, it’s easy for the manager to forget it and move on – but it needs to be addressed for the sake of morale and healthy relationships.
If you feel like things got a little tense during a meeting or with an employee, switch back to neutral energy. Talk to the person and apologize for allowing things to get so heated. From there, focus on keeping things calm and productive.
We all slip into a few bad habits over time, sometimes without even realizing it. Keep an eye out for these harmful habits in your workplace.